Sunday, September 27, 2015

Cure Drug

Have you heard about the angry backlash over the new medicine called Daraprim? It's a medicine that helps patient's with compromised immune systems. Such patient's with HIV and other infectious diseases. Turing Pharmaceuticals in San Francisco has obtained the rights to sell this medicine and has increased the cost by 5000% overnight from $13.50 to $750 a pill. But the CEO says this increase is necessary for the company to make a profit. ok, yes a company needs to make a profit in order to stay in business and create jobs and so on. But at the same time there is an ethical responsibility to society. A profit is acceptable but a gouge of this magnitude should not. For the people who have been waiting and praying for some form of help, insurance or not, this cost increase is insane. Companies of this type, I thought are supposed to be held to some kind of ethical and moral standards. According to this, if it is allowed to pursue, I guess not. The owner of this company and it's board of directors are looking at this as a business marketing gain and the profits associated with obtaining the rights to sell this medicine. This is not marketing, this is gouging and a rip off to the world of patients who need some help now and in the future from the disease's they are consumed with that this medicine from this company holds control. Insurance companies probably will not agree to pay all the cost associated with this drug at this price, so the insured along with the non insured are in the same boat, out of pocket expense for a cure or some relief at the mercy of one company. Before you say so what, It does not affect me, you have no idea what might affect you or a member of your family in the future. You may find yourself in the same shoes as so many other's today. Maybe not this company for this drug, but another company with another drug to treat a different disease. If this is allowed to happen this time, it's opens the door for other companies in the future to do the same. Marketing and profits go hand in hand with today's business, but somewhere there needs to be some kind of guidelines and caps instead of controlling some companies and letting others do whatever they please.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you here Mark. I usually am for businesses making a profit because that is what they are in business for and that in turn helps the business grow and hire more employees. However, in this case, I just can't agree with such drastic measures. There is no justification whatsoever. This is pure greed at the expense of those who depend on this medication.
